• Rasselstein site

The 88-hectare Rasselstein site in Neuwied, Germany, has been an industrial area for 360 years. The extensive site will be transformed into a sustainable, green residential area with commercial units, restaurants, childcare facilities and mobility hubs..

Parts of the old industrial halls will be redeveloped by the owner, ASAS, and given a new use. Together with the abundant green spaces, they will add to the unique charm of the area, which will eventually be connected to the surrounding neighbourhoods and opened up to the whole city and its inhabitants.
The current urban masterplan for the project is being developed by sop architekten in collaboration with Tektoplan, Orka Development and Max Dudler Architects.






Wohnen ca. 175.000m², Gewerbe ca. 90.000m², Öffentlich ca. 35.000m²