Eröffnung ArcheoPoint

02.09.2016 | ArcheoPoint opens

Historical finds on show at exhibition space on the new Wehrhahnline

Coinciding with Germany’s Open House Day, sop | architekten’s ArcheoPoint on Dusseldorf’s new Wehrhahn underground line will open its doors this Sunday. Located at the Königsallee exit of the Heinrich-Heine-Allee underground station, the exhibition space will display archaeological finds from the building sites along the new Wehrhahnlinie including cut stone blocks from the 16C Flingern bastion, vestiges of the walls of old fortifications and the mammoth tusk found 2012.

Visitors will be able to view the finds on display in the 160m² space from a glazed floating gallery which, together with the specially designed lighting system and multimedia displays, will help bring to life the historical significance of the finds.

Client: Amt für Verkehrsmanagement
Exhibition design: Büro Total
